What is a Fire Ant and How to Get Rid of Them

Fire ant zoomed in

If you are a resident of the southern United States, you have probably seen fire ants. These pesky creatures can be a real nuisance in your yard. In this blog post, we will discuss what fire ants are, and how to get rid of them in your yard.

What is a fire ant?

A fire ant is a type of ant that is native to South America. They made their way over to the US in 1984 and have been around ever since. These ants are not aggressive, but they will defend their nests if they feel threatened. These ants are also able to sting, and their stings can be very painful. If you are allergic to their stings, they can even be fatal.

What color are fire ants?

Fire ants are red or black in color and can be up to 0.25 inches long.

What do fire ants eat?

Fire ants mainly eat other insects, but they will also feed on plant material. They are attracted to sweets, so if you have them in your yard, be sure to keep any food items properly sealed.

Where are fire ants found?

Fire ants build their nests in the ground, and these nests can contain up to 250,000 ants. Fire ants are found in southern states, as they cannot tolerate cold weather. They enjoy the warm climate of the south and chose flat, sunny areas to build their homes. You can find these colonies located around your yard.

What attracts fire ants?

Fire ants are attracted to sweets, so if you have them in your yard, be sure to keep any food items properly sealed.

What time of year are fire ants present?

Fire ants are present all year long in southern states. They can survive the winter by going underground, where it is warm. In the spring and summer, you will see them more often as they are out and about looking for food.

How do you get rid of fire ants?

The best way to get rid of fire ants is to call a lawn pest control company like Unlimited. They will be able to properly treat your yard and get rid of the fire ants for good. You can also try to do it yourself, but it is difficult and you may not be successful.

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